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How Should Consent & Preference Data Work with a Customer Data Platform

Type: Videos
Topic: Preference Mgmt


Companies often inquire about the differences between Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) and Consent and Preference Management Platforms (CPMPs) and how they work together. A CDP acts like an orchestra conductor, harmonizing first-party customer data from various systems to create a comprehensive view of each customer. It collects behavioral, transactional, and demographic data to manage consumer privacy, control data flow between marketing systems, and enable personalized marketing through audience segmentation.

In contrast, a CPMP focuses on data that customers freely share, such as consent, preferences, and insights. This data is explicit and trust-based, offering unique, brand-specific insights. While CDPs centralize inferred data from various activities, CPMPs provide detailed insights from customer-shared information. CPMPs can function independently as a single source of truth or integrate with CDPs, enhancing the depth and accuracy of customer insights.

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