Consent, Preference, & Zero-Party Data Platform Features


Pioneers of enterprise consent and preference management

MyPreferences is the only consent and preference platform purpose-built to manage all aspects of zero-party data. It empowers your customers’ voice so trust is built, and relationships are enriched.

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Unlock Superior CX With Consent & Preference Data


How Preference Management Improves CX in a Cookieless World​


Simplifies zero- and first-party data experiences


Delivers unprecedented insights for meaningful interactions


Infuses customer data across every touchpoint

Flexibility Is Crucial for Growth ( SiriusXM ) 


Features that enable you to deliver personalized interactions based on customer preferences, consents, and insights​

End-to-end configuration management

  • Maintain configuration for all zero-party customer experiences across any locale.
  • Supports data management for households, IoT, & shared profiles.
  • API-first data model supports highly configurable and granular preference & consent structures.
  • Isolate views by departments, teams & groups for configuring large enterprises

No-code experiences

  • Create multilingual & fully responsive zero-party data experiences.
  • Supports JavaScript, CSS and HTML for enhanced styling.
  • Supports JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to ensure source integrity and authenticity.
  • Supports WCAG 2.1

Do Not Contact compliance

  • The only zero-party data platform natively integrated with a Do Not Contact solution.
  • Performs automatic contact checks against National, State, Wireless and Internal Do Not Contact Lists.
  • Maintains Safe Harbor Defense by keeping a record of all checks.

Propagation Engine

  • Propagates preferences across multi-level communication hierarchies.
  • Propagate consents to matching contact methods (e.g., phones, emails) within profiles.
  • Propagate calling device statuses (mobile vs landline) to matching numbers across profiles.
  • Complete auditability for expressed & implied consents & preferences.

Intelligent Data Validation & Business Rules

  • Built-in data validations and checks to enforce consent and preference compliance rules.
  • Preserves preferences and consents when updating contact elements (emails, phones, etc.)
  • Custom RegEx support, automatic address standardization, express wireless checks, phone and email validation, and much more.

Full-featured CSR portal

  • SSO-enabled agent interface for managing zero-party data on customers behalf.
  • Granular permissions to provide specific access to service agents.
  • Built-in auditing & transaction history across all customer data points.
  • Harmonization engine / single source of truth for all zero-party data.

Universal Consent Repository

  • A single place to manage all consents for an individual or device including their consent history.
  • Built-in localization for multilingual consent experiences
  • Manage consents for any data category independent of a preference, contact element, or channel.
  • Connect consents with preferences & contact elements, to ensure accurate tracking of customer interests and preferred channels.

Decision Services for Salesforce & Oracle Eloqua

  • Users can perform real-time checks against customers’ consents, preferences, and other zero-party data to execute highly personalized and compliant campaigns.
  • Consent verification: Evaluate contacts' most recent consent statuses in real-time before initiating a campaign.
  • Ensure Do Not Contact compliance: Verify contacts against National and State Do Not Contact registries, Wireless Lists, Litigator List, and more.

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Reporting & Analytics

  • Offers a suite of out-of-the-box standard reports and dashboards based on zero-party data captured throughout the customer journey.
  • Publish reports and information summaries in real-time with all users, providing them with dynamic visualizations of essential customer data metrics.
  • Create customized reports and dashboards to gain complete visibility into customers’ zero-party data throughout all stages of their journey.

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